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Control Systems

Fall 2022 - Class Work


Using an AutomationDirect PLC and Productivity Suit, I was challenged in Labs to use ladder logic to program specific tasks.

Lab 7.PNG

Objectives of the lab: 

  • When the blue button is pressed, the pneumatic piston starts to extend and the blue light turns on

  • Once the piston is fully extended, the operator can press the blue button again to retract the piston and the yellow light should be on

  • If the piston is not fully extended or retracted (limit switches are not engaged), pushing the blue button does not do anything

Lab 5d.PNG

Objectives of the lab: 

  • create a latch to switch between 'enabled' and 'disabled'

  • PLC should increment when the yellow button is pressed and decrement when the blue button is pressed with the blue light on

  • Once the total count reaches ten, the yellow light should turn on and flash until the count returns to ten and the blue light should turn off

  • If the count is at ten, the yellow light should be solid

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