Project Management
Fall 2023 - Class Work
Project 2: Death of a Salesman Definitive Estimates and Scheduling
Given drawings of Death of a Salesman
Created Material Cost Estimate, Work Breakdown Structure, PERT Chart/Critical Path, and Gantt Chart
Presented materials are for the complete construction of the set, including painting and load in
Work break-down Structure
Given drawings of a shed
Shows all tasks that need to be completed to have a finished shed
Time break down of hours
Time Estimates
Given drawings of a shed and used work break-down structure
Used PERT time estimate
estimated time = ((P+O+4M)/6)*E
Pessimistic time (P)
Optimistic time (O)
Most likely time (M)
Efficiency Multiplier (E)
Also included in this document are predecessors and the ideal number of people for the task
Precedence Diagram
Given drawings of a shed and used the PERT time estimate
Shows the critical path that needs to be followed to complete the shed on time
Gives the early and late starts for each task
Gantt Chart
Given drawings of a shed and used the PERT time estimate Precedence Diagram
Shows the critical path that needs to be followed to complete the shed on time
Representation of the time work takes
Will lead to scheduling the work